Tuesday 13 March 2012

Yesterday was like a DREAM!!!

We finally get a whole champion for our campfire in SM!!
I'm so so so so proud and happy!!

Last night is the most memorable night for me. XD
I hope next time we will be able to participate in this kind of campfire again.

And I dance at the campfire too~~
But sadly we din't get a best dance awards..
But I still happy we get a biggest champion !!

When they announce we are the champion,wow!!
The atmosphere was so so so so GOOD!!
Everyone was so high and our madam was TOUCH too!!

But what I enjoy the most is the day we been through before we go to that campfire.
All member work together to do a gadget,fancy dress,fancy marching,dance,masakan rimba and so on.....
They all work hard even din't sleep just want to finish the gadget for the campfire at Tuesday.

They scarify a lot and we very appreciated it.
Some people sponsor their time and some people sponsor their money and some people  sponsor their car and oil even house for the whole scout member to do our gadget things and so on...

We even closer when we do our gadget things together~~
We became to know each other more.
I enjoy the time we spend together until the campfire also.
We were supporting each other and the CHEERING!

Our Sir Zhi Yee help us to cheer until he can't even say a things.
Our Madam Ying Li also sponsor her money a lot.
She drive to buy anything we wanted for gadget,fance dress and so on.
And she also drive to buy member food when they starving.

In this camp,we more close to madam and many Sir that came from Penang.
Got Sir Jason came from Penang and Sir Teng Han who came back from Singapore.
We learn many dance,song and many knowledge at  there.

The free dance was fun,the people there was funny and the most important things is.....
Here is the photo we most proud with.....

Sunday 29 January 2012

MyTrip to Taipei during CNY

The most lovely STREET LIGHT

                                                       The photo taken by me~Nice wad~><
The mostly together bro and sis group~

Four of us~The last pic look like a very great position~wahahaha!

My cup is faling...Paiseh,taking,oh no, pulling it up now. XD

The 2 of us~We really take very less picture when we are in Taipei.LOL..

The big spoon~As always,the smallest,the one who always disappear.

photograph of the whole family

The picture take from me and edit by me~I never thought I so PRO~XP

The flowers is so beautiful so i edit it .

The picture also took by me.The picture I took totally better than the picture she took for me.

The angle is completely perfect!

Me~The picture she took.The picture i took for her got some flowers with it.The one she took for me got some grass on it. COOL!

                                    Make it look like she is returning to her home.Warm picture right?     >_<
Hyper big plate!!

The weather is cold so i wrap myself like a mummy~ 
The big hippopotamus is escape!!

The most strange and unique restaurant~But i enjoy the food very much!

The YingGe Old Street.Full of ceramics!

It also call this~~

We stop at the half way to take this picture~Epic!
The elephant call 林旺

Don't ever think that this is a big garden...Actually...

It just like that....XD

The food I forever love~~~Yumyum!!

The delicious dinner!!!

I want to do that but already no time...Sad case...T_T

There is more picture but I only choose some of it.(It have around 390 pictures....-,-)
So enjoy it!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Another Movie That I LOVE soooooo Much!!!!

公主的男人!! ❤

故事,就宛如是 “韩剧版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》”。


【劇 名】:公主的男人
【播 送】:韓國KBS
【類 型】:KBS水木劇
【首 播】:2011年07月20日
【接 檔】:浪漫小鎮
【導 演】:金鄭敏(愛你千萬次)
【編 劇】:周正株(Partner)
【主 演】:朴施厚文彩元、宋鍾浩、洪秀賢
【集 數】:預計24集
【簡 介】:講述朝鮮世祖時代首陽大君的女兒和將帥金忠瑞的兒子相愛卻不能走到一起的愛情悲劇故事。宛如朝鮮版的《羅密歐與朱麗葉》。
【官 網】:http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/princess/index.html

For more imformation~